Sunday, September 20, 2009

Museum Trip

Today was such a nice day out so I decided to take a walk to the Philly Art Museum. I love checking out all the different sections through different periods of art and seeing how much the focus goes from the hand to the mind. In the older art pieces, the artists focused more on simple composition with amazing detail and talent in the technique. But with the more modern art, there is much less focus on the composition and talent in doing so, but a lot more on thoughts and how different pieces make you feel. Both are great styles, just focusing on different areas. 

1 comment:

  1. Did you see van Eyck's "Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata" (the incredibly tiny painting)? I went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art the other week and more than one docent approached me about seeing that painting. The amount of detail in it is incredible and needs to be viewed with a magnifying glass.
