Monday, September 14, 2009


            I think it is crazy how much passion and meaning can go into a single typeface. How that the font itself is used as a blank canvas that lets the message be so much bolder and noticeable. How serious and urgent it makes the message.     

             Helvetica really surprised me because I truly did not expect much from the film besides a simple documentary.  Instead there was so much more with how the font is and what it means to different people. In an odd comparison, helvetica is like the Tofu of the typeface world. By itself, it is nothing. It is blank and very flavorless. But once there is a message in the typeface, it takes on that typeface and makes it even bolder, just as tofu does to any meal. It takes on the flavors of the foods mixed with it and makes them even bolder and better. 

           I have no camera to take pictures of helvetica examples in real life, but I will bring you some examples I found online.

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