Saturday, September 26, 2009

Penn Museum of Anthropology

Went there today for my Art Heritage class and it was a really cool place. It had a lot with Egypt and Minoan sculptures and physical works. It was more of a historic museum than an art museum, but its just that historic art is only sculptures and less of paintings. I recommend the museum to anyone who likes a good history tour

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


This collection is working much better than other attempts. I've only got 4 parts to it so far because of uncertainty on what to collect, but will be putting scans up soon since I finally got acetate to lay down on the scanners before using. I thought I was behind by a lot but it seems to finally be working out. Such good news

Memoir Image

Took awhile to get up because of differences with Mac and PC with fonts and every other difference, but finally have it

Monday, September 21, 2009

Update Collection

When first hearing this whole 'collection' assignment, I think I over thought it way too much to find the "perfect" collection. But after running through my natural daily routine as it was, I looked to find things that I come across daily, and theres nothing more natural routine than eating, so I am changing the collection to the utensils I use for meals during the day. I've already got some chopsticks, forks, and spoons collected and I think this will be much easier and better than trying too hard to find the perfect collection and coming short.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Museum Trip

Today was such a nice day out so I decided to take a walk to the Philly Art Museum. I love checking out all the different sections through different periods of art and seeing how much the focus goes from the hand to the mind. In the older art pieces, the artists focused more on simple composition with amazing detail and talent in the technique. But with the more modern art, there is much less focus on the composition and talent in doing so, but a lot more on thoughts and how different pieces make you feel. Both are great styles, just focusing on different areas. 

Monday, September 14, 2009


            I think it is crazy how much passion and meaning can go into a single typeface. How that the font itself is used as a blank canvas that lets the message be so much bolder and noticeable. How serious and urgent it makes the message.     

             Helvetica really surprised me because I truly did not expect much from the film besides a simple documentary.  Instead there was so much more with how the font is and what it means to different people. In an odd comparison, helvetica is like the Tofu of the typeface world. By itself, it is nothing. It is blank and very flavorless. But once there is a message in the typeface, it takes on that typeface and makes it even bolder, just as tofu does to any meal. It takes on the flavors of the foods mixed with it and makes them even bolder and better. 

           I have no camera to take pictures of helvetica examples in real life, but I will bring you some examples I found online.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I only applied to one college, and I was extremely late in doing so. So I wasn't too sure if I would actually be coming to college, but luckily I got into Tyler at the last minute. Philly is pretty much my favorite place to be which is why I knew this was the place for me. Tyler has been great so far, even though it has only been one week. But due to a lack of things to say and wanting to finish my lunch right now, this post has got to end short. I look forward to getting to know everyone who shares this assignment of posting our thoughts. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I care for LIVING over life.